Project Planning
Planning Your Project
As you begin the planning process for your upcoming project,
we highly recommend that you walk around a few blocks to get some ideas of the aesthetic appeal of your neighborhood.
Another great resource are the project checklists that address the types of architectural applications the Architectural Committee reviews regularly to help ensure your Application for Design Review package is as complete as possible. For a good resource on how to obtain aerial photos (requested for when applies to certain projects), please visit the Maricopa Assessors’ website at
Members may obtain approval by submitting an Application for Design Review form (along with accompanying documents that are suggested) first to the Association office, which records the Application for a Hearing before the Architectural Committee which is held the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month.
As always, we are here to help.
When you’ve gathered all documents necessary to expedite the application process, submit your completed application to:
Below are some project planning tips to help your design application get approved fast!
For a complete list of design guidelines and restrictions, please refer to one of the following:
Ancillary Buildings and Gazebos
• Photo of proposed location (as far back as possible to include entire view).
• Aerial view of plat with proposed location clearly marked.
• Exact dimensions of the structure to include length, width, and height. Requirements for each are listed within the Guidelines for Community Living, Guideline #1.
• A scaled drawing of the structure showing elevations.
• Setback measurements to all shared walls/including from the house.
• Catalog examples or product samples showing exact product and color to be used.
• Describe how structure will be secured to the ground.
Artifical Turf
• A plan must be submitted designating the location, shape, and square footage of the turf that includes the surrounding, existing, or proposed landscaping.
• An aerial plat photo showing total lot square footage.
• Product data including product specifications and a sample of the exact artificial turf product.
• Full color photo of yard, with all areas to be replaced (full view of yard, show as much as possible).
Awnings and Sail Shades
• Full color house photo with proposed location(s) including installation heights.
• Product brochure, measurements, style and color(s), material sample and hardware descriptions.
• Aerial photo of plat with proposed location clearly marked.
• Full description must be written out on application form.
Basketball Goals
• Photo (show as much as possible) with the proposed location clearly marked.
• Each product detail (color, material, size to include length and height, etc.).
• Detailed information about any platform structures to include height off the ground if applicable.
• Setbacks – Measurements from all existing property lines/walls/inside edge of the sidewalk to the intended structure.
Decomposed Granite and Boulders
• Sample of the material being used.
• Picture of the landscape including the house showing the area to be improved.
• Diagram of the area showing the dimensions of the project and the dimensions of the lot.
• Full photo showing current door being replaced.
• Measurements of existing door (include replacement of side lights and/or transom if applicable).
• Style, size, and material of proposed new door. Please provide plans for custom designs.
• Exact color sample of proposed materials, including but not limited to wood stain and powder coated iron, as well as glass samples, if applicable.
• Picture(s) of the existing driveway.
• Sample of product to be used for improving the driveway. Product information as to durability of the product.
Garage Conversions
• Photographs of existing structure(s) with emphasis on that part of the structure(s) that is (are) to be modified.
• A professionally prepared, graphic representation to scale of all elevations if any structural modification(s) or addition(s) are being made.
• A professionally prepared, graphic representation to scale of all elevations detailing any non-structural modifications (cosmetic improvements) associated with the project.
• Samples of exterior building materials and colors to be used for the exterior conversion.
• A complete landscape plan if the project involves landscape changes.
Garage Doors
• Full view of house including current garage door.
• Exact photo or brochure of new garage doors, including color, including proposed window and panel types.
• Material of new door(s) including accent hardware, if applicable.
• Provide semi-gloss or satin paint color for garage doors including current paint scheme.
• Photo of existing gate to be replaced.
• Photo of any other existing gates that will remain.
• Photo of the gate to be installed.
• Indicate if gate will change location or size.
• Measurements of new gate.
• Materials and color sample. Plastic, bamboo, corrugated metal, chain link or wire will NOT be permitted.
• If gate is wood or composite, additional photos of existing wood accents or dark trim colors will be required to help determine color and style consistency.
House Painting
• Provide the palette/scheme number on application.
• Color selections from the chosen palette/scheme for all areas to be painted (specifics regarding the location of colors on house (body), pop-outs, garage door(s), trim, and front door (if applicable).
FYI: Is important to mark the box for □ Painting perimeter walls on the application when house is on a corner lot.
• Full color photo of house (as seen from the street).
• Plans which include existing and proposed plants/trees/boulder and landscape lighting location.
• Details of any new hardscape such as walls, sidewalks, etc.
• Lighting submissions will require exact product data including color, style, wattage, number, and locations.
• Amount and location of grass areas (not to exceed 10% of the lot area). For artificial turf, please see artificial turf checklist.
• Border/brick/paver type, location, color, and sample.
• Granite size, color, type, and sample.
• Full color photo of house where lighting will be located/replaced.
• All lighting submittals require exact product data, spec sheet, model number, including color, style, lumens, number of lights, and proposed location(s) for review as directed on Guideline #22.
Misting System
• Photo of the area of installation.
• Information/photo on the product to be used including information on the durability of the product.
• All material samples and paint color(s) to be used.
Patio Covers
• Full plans to include but not limited to: plat plan, setbacks, exact dimensions, and full elevation drawings.
• Sample of product(s) to be used in this project.
• Plan details of all proposed roof details. Please see roof checklist for necessary items and information required for submission.
• Full color photos of entire exterior of the home – multiple views of area(s) to be improved, from as far back as possible.
• Timeline schedule detailing ALL material to be used and proposed paint colors. Material samples and color boards may be required for larger projects.
• Existing & additional light fixtures to be added. Please see lighting checklist for necessary items and information required for submission.
• Any landscape modifications proposed. Please see landscape checklist for necessary items and information required for submission.
Pool Installations
• Photographs of existing area with emphasis on that part of the area that is to be modified with the construction of a pool.
• A graphic representation of location(s) and dimension(s)of all existing structures, walls, fences and other improvements that exist within the yard showing the placement of the pool.
• An indication of setbacks (an Application for Design Review form must be submitted stipulating location and other pertinent specifications: i.e., rear yard entry, setbacks, and any element over wall heights).
• A professionally prepared, graphic representation of the location(s) and dimension(s) of the pool including, but not limited to: buildings, and other structures, walls, fences, grading, hardscape, irrigation, fixed barbecues, and fireplaces.
• A professionally prepared, graphic representation to scale of all elevations detailing any non-structural modifications (cosmetic improvements).
• A complete landscape plan if the project involves landscape changes.
• A graphic representation of the lot indicating walls and applicable setbacks and the intended location of any movable addition.
Rain Gutters
• Full color house photo showing where gutters will be located (as far back as possible).
• Draw gutter lines and the downspout on the photograph.
• Product detail (size & type, etc.).
• House color of gutter and downspout.
• Down spout/drainage details and location(s).
Recreational Equipment
• Photo (from a reasonable distance) with the proposed location clearly marked. (Aerial Plat photo with clearly marked proposed location will do).
• Exact product detail (color, material, size to include length and height, etc.)
• Canopy/Awning details to include material and color for play structures if applicable.
Roof Tile, Roof Installations
• Photo of the house from reasonable distance from the street.
• Tile sample (current & proposed), brand & color of tile to be used.
• Method of installation.
Security Screen Doors/Windows
• Photo of existing doors/screens.
• A completed architectural application to include exact style, color, material, and hardware.
• Please provide plans, including dimensions for custom designs.
Solar Devices
• Elevation Drawings.
• Locations, number of panels & color of the solar panels to include trim.
• Location of any equipment such as conduit.
• Product information sheets (specs).
Storage Sheds
• Photo of the proposed location from a reasonable distance including aerial plat photo with proposed location clearly marked.
• Exact dimensions of the structure to include length, width, and height.
• Measurements from all existing property lines and walls (setbacks).
• Catalog examples or product photos showing exact product to be used.
• Additional details such as house tile roof pictures/samples and house color.
• Sheds are not considered nor are they approved accessory dwelling units.
Sunscreens/Window Screens
• Full color photo of entire house (as seen from the street).
• Product brochure showing brand and model of the screen, and all hardware required in the case of sunscreens, measurements, style and color(s), material sample and hardware description.
• Color screen and window frame screen sample.
Surveillance Cameras or Equipment (Architectural Approval Required)
• Product information to include picture, make, model of camera being installed.
• A plot plan showing the location of cameras in relation to neighboring structures and property; specify the size, shape, angle of view; and include a photograph and/or drawing of the equipment prepared by the manufacturer.
• Full color house photo (as seen from across the street for Applications for a front yard trellis) showing placement of the trellis.
• Color photo of rear yard (from as far back as possible) showing placement of the trellis.
• Color photo of the existing or proposed plant, tree, or shrub to be trellised.
• Brochure or similar explanation of the trellis material proposed to be used including color.
• Plans for new walkways, including all dimensions and distance to property.
• Photo of area to be replaced. Aerial photo of plat with proposed walkways clearly marked.
• Exact measurements of the proposed walkway.
• All proposed materials, including manufacturer and color. Material samples and color boards may be required, dependent upon the type of change.
Window film
• Full color photo of windows as seen from the street.
• Product brochure showing durability, brand, and model of the window film, along with details of light reflection percent.
• Material sample.
Windows and Replacements
Please download your Window replacement measurement example here.
• Full color photo of entire house (as seen from across the street).
• Photos of existing windows, showing which will be replaced.
• Pictures of proposed windows showing what they will look like from the outside when installed. Include a brochure picture for your selected model of window(s).
• Brand and model name of windows being installed.
• Grid or non-grid, information.
• Any windows/doors that will change size or shape.
• Whether you intend to do a full or partial window replacement.
• Pictures showing the visible glass to frame edge measurement for the new windows.
• An example picture or a statement regarding the measurement of the exterior frame of the window(s). (Max allowed is 3.25″).
• You will need to submit pictures of your house showing the existing windows and new window areas together.
• You will also need to submit pictures showing the visible glass to frame edge measurement for an existing window and a new window (max allowed is 3.25″).
• 2 pictures: One with old window(s) with measurements and the second with new window measurements.
filled with interesting articles and containing important messages from the Manager and Board Members.